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WPC's Hydrometeorological Test Bed Home Page

HMT Seminar Series

Last updated 05/29/2024


2024 Flash Flood and Intense Rainfall Experiment (FFaIR)


Date Title        Authors

04 June 2024 How to FFaIR        Sarah Trojniak and Jimmy Correia

06 June 2024 Objective Verification of the Weather Prediction Center's Mesoscale Precipitation Discussions        Erica Bower (CU/WPC)

11 June 2024 MPAS Ensemble Forecasts of Heavy Rainfall: Does adding members add value?        Trevor Alcott (GSL)

13 June 2024 Medium-range Forecasts of Excessive Rainfall with the CSU-MLP        Aaron Hill (OU)

25 June 2024 A machine learning postprocessor to mitigate QPF errors for improved hydrometeorological forecasting        Bill Gallus (ISU)

27 June 2024 FV3-LAM CAM Ensemble Consensus and Machine Learning Products for Predicting Heavy Rain for the FFaIR Experiment        Keith Brewster (OU)

09 July 2024 Current Status of RRFS and REFS, with an emphasis on QPF        Matt Pyle (EMC)

11 July 2024 Evaluating HREF probabilistic forecasts of excessive rainfall        Eric James (GSL)

23 July 2024 Advancing Situational Awareness with Ensemble Clustering and Sensitivity Analysis Tools        Austin Coleman (CU/WPC)

25 July 2024 Leveraging Machine Learning and Probabilistic Guidance to improve flash flood forecasting across southern Utah        Mike Seamen (NWS SLC)

30 July 2024 Societal Response to Flash Floods        Brenda Phillips (UMass)

01 August 2024 Advances and Challenges In Atmospheric River Forecasting        Ben Moore and Leif Swenson (PSL)


2023-2024 Winter Weather Experiment (WWE) Seminars


05 December 2023  The 14th WWE Introduction    Bartolini (CU Boulder CIRES/WPC)

07 December 2023  Freezing Rain Accumulation National Analysis (FRANA)    Daniel Tripp (OU CIWRO/NSSL)

12 December 2023  Addressing the Snow Accumulation Challenge at CIWRO/NSSL    Andrew Rosenow (OU CIWRO/NSSL)

19 December 2023  The Rapid Refresh Forecast System Version 1 (RRFSv1)    Ben Blake (SAIC/EMC)

04 January 2024  P-type Processes and Predictability: Initial results from the Winter Precipitation Type Research Multiscale Experiment (WINTRE-MIX)    Justin Minder (UAlbany)

09 January 2024  Improved Snow-to-Liquid-Ratio Forecasts from Operational Models in the Western US    Peter Veals/Jim Steenburgh (U Utah)

11 January 2024  A Short History of NWS/WPC Winter Weather Services & Operations    Greg Carbin (WPC)

18 January 2024  3D characteristics of snow bands and implications for surface snowfall in Northeast Winter Storms    Sandra Yuter,Laura Tomkins (NC State)

23 January 2024  FV3-LAM-Based CAM Ensemble & Machine Learning Products for the HMT Winter Weather Experiments    Keith Brewster, Nate Snook (OU CAPS)

25 January 2024  SPC Winter Weather    Andrew Lyons (SPC)

06 February 2024  The Winter Storm Severity Index (WSSI) Suite of Products    Dana Tobin (CU Boulder CIRES/WPC)

08 February 2024  Improving lake-effect snowfall forecasts via UFS-based atmosphere-lake models    Christiane Jablonoski (U Michigan)

13 February 2024  Exploring new techniques for WPCs Probabilistic Winter Precipitation Forecasts    Bruce Veenhuis (WPC)

15 February 2024  Winter Product Updates in Version 4.2 of the National Blend of Models    Geoff Manikin (MDL)

20 February 2024  The NWS National Winter Program    Eric Guillot (NWS)

27 February 2024  The Development of Snow Multi-Bands in High-Resolution Idealized Baroclinic Wave Simulations     Brian Colle, Nick Leonardo (Stony Brook University)

27 February 2024  An Overview of Water Year 2023 in the western U.S.    Anna Wilson, Jay Cordeira (CW3E)

12 March 2024  Utilizing Novel Object-based Methods in METplus to Assess Impactful Snow Events from the 2023-24 WWE    Tracy Hertneky (NCAR)

14 March 2024  Cobb SLR Methodology and Application in NBM v4.1    Dan Cobb (NWS)


2023 Flash Flood and Intense Rainfall Experiment (FFaIR) Seminars


30 May 2024  How to be FFaIR    Trojniak, Correia (CU Boulder CIRES/WPC)

1 June 2024  An Overview of the NWCs' experimental products: the FHO, AHD, and NHD     Peggy Lee (NWC)

06 June 2024  MRMS Machine Learning QPE    Andrew Osborne (OU CIWRO/NSSL)

8 June 2024  A recap of the July 2022 eastern Kentucky Flooding    Jane Marie Wix (WFO Jackson, KY)

13 June 2024  Current Knowledge about TORFFs in both the social and physical science realms    Erik Nielsen, Jen Henderson (TTU)

15 June 2024  The status of the First version of the Rapid Refresh Forecast System    Jacob Carley (EMC)

27 June 2024  Progress towards medium range excessive rainfall forecasts with the CSU-MLP    Aaron Hill, Russ Schumacher (CSU)

29 June 2024  QPF driven ensemble streamflow predictions using three different hydrologic models    Kristie Franz (ISU)

11 July 2024  WPC Excessive Rainfall Outlook: Overview, recent verification, and a look ahead    Marc Chenard (WPC)

13 July 2024  Characterization of extreme precipitation in the HREF    Janice Bytheway (PSL)

13 July 2024  Characterizing Warm-Season Heavy Precipitation in the HREF Means    Dianna Stovern (PSL)

25 July 2024  FV3-LAM & HREF CAM Ensemble Consensus and Machine Learning Products for FFaIR    Keith Brewster, Nate Snook (OU CAPS)

01 August 2024  Flash Flood Flashiness    JJ Gourley (NSSL)

3 August 2024  Flash Flood Response    Brenda Phillips (UMass)

08 August 2024  Water Model Geospatial Tools and Inundation Maps    Mark Glaudemans (NWS)

10 August 2024  Initial Work on Precipitation Nowcasting within MRMS    Steve Martinaitis (OU CIWRO, NSSL)