EMC Synergy Meeting Highlights August 30 2004


This meeting was led by Peter Manousos and was attended by Zoltan Toth, Geoff Dimego, David Michaud, Dave Plummer, Stephen Jascourt, John Ward, Mary Hart, Larry Burroughs, Keith Brill, and Bill Bua.


1. CCS

John Ward reported Phase II �Acceptance Test� is going well and anticipated to end around September 12th.Assuming no problems arise, the moratorium for the current system is still on track for a September 21st start (coincident with WRF ensemble start) and should end January 15, 2005.

2. Notes from EMC

a.     Global Modeling Group: No report by the Global Modeling Group.NCO�s Dave Michaud reported that the scalable code for the global model (which will accommodate a hybrid vertical coordinate system) has been provided to NCO.This code is necessary for the planned increase in the model�s resolution to T382 in summer of 2005.

b.     Mesoscale Modeling Group: Geoff Dimego reported no significant changes from details provided in the previous (07/26/2004) meeting. There is talk at high levels of getting the high-res window WRF ensembles into AWIPS but no specific plans yet.

c.     Global Ensemble Prediction System: Zoltan Toth reported that the first phase of implementation of the North American Ensemble System is still on track for the end of September of 2004.ECMWF has granted permission for NCEP to access additional fields from the model including ensemble wave products, monthly and seasonal products, and 00Z ensemble member suite in line with the already accessible 12Z package.The agreement between NCEP and the ECMWF is that this data is to be kept strictly in house at NCEP.

d.     Short Range Ensemble Prediction System: NCO�s Dave Michaud reported that the recent SREF parallel went into production August 17th at 12Z via an extraordinarily smooth transition.

e.     Marine Modeling and Analysis Branch (MMAB): Larry Burroughs reported no significant changes from details provided in the previous meeting. Many of the marine products which NCEP now generates or will be soon generating are scheduled to become available in AWIPS in build OB6.


3. Miscellaneous

FSL will be running some versions of WRF at 4 km horizontal resolution over a CONUS domain similar to the SPC Spring Program experiments with explicit convection. NCEP is not directly involved in this project.


4. Next Meeting Monday OCTOBER 25th, 2004 at noon in room 209.