EMC Synergy Meeting Highlights March 28, 2005


This meeting was led by Peter Manousos and attended by Eric Rogers, Jim Hoke, Bill Bua, David Plummer, John Ward, Mary Hart, Daniel Pawlak, Keith Brill, Stephen Lord,and Joe Sienkiewicz. Stephen Jascourt joined by telephone.


1. CCS

John Ward reported the CCS is running smoothly.Parallel GFS, NAM, and RUC-13 runs are progressing normally.�GiG-e� circuits have been installed, Frost will be back in one week, Snow will then go down temporarily. As a reminder, the primary system is �White� (located in Fairmont, WV).


2. Notes from EMC

a.     Global Modeling Group: Stephen Lord reported the GFS parallel is almost caught up to real time (running 5 retrospective days every actual day).The scores from Dec-mid Feb are better for the parallel than for the operational run for northern hemisphere 500 mb.The scores are about the same in the tropics and in the southern hemisphere.QPF scores are also better.Retrospective runs for August and September 2004 (focus on the tropics) are imminent. An evaluation announcement will be sent very soon (GEMPAK files will be made available for parallel output).

b.     Mesoscale Modeling Group: Eric Rogers reported the parallel NAM (NAMX) has been running for about 2 weeks on the operational machine (much longer on the development machine) and evaluations are due in by April 15.To date, statistics (from mid December) show no real �deal killers� � therefore, operational implementation is slated for early May (assuming positive evaluations).The North American Mesoscale WRF NAM-WRF is scheduled to replace the NAM-Eta next March.Prototype tests for full cycling using smaller domain nests have been run.Parallel testing over the NAM domain with full assimilation cycling incorporating the GSI analysis will begin in-house shortly, but many problems are likely to arise. A clean parallel for public viewing and NWS evaluation is anticipated to be ready by sometime in June, hopefully. Additionally, WRF ensemble tests will begin this summer with a targeted implementation in September.

c.     Global Ensemble Prediction System: Stephen Lord reported parallel Ensemble testing will occur after the T382 parallel becomes operational.Retrospective runs will be conducted only.�� It has not yet been determined if an increase in resolution of the members or an increase in the membership will be featured in the parallel.

d.     Short Range Ensemble Prediction System: No report

e.     Marine Modeling and Analysis Branch (MMAB): Stephen Lord reported HYCOM is coming along as planned.Additionally, although the surface low tracking algorithm is still being refined, a 4th quarter implementation is still on track.


3. Input from NCEP Centers

a.     AFWA (inquired by HPC on behalf of AFWA) forwarded a question by email regarding comparison of WRF to MM5.This inquiry was handed off to Dan Pawlak.

b.     A WFO (inquired by HPC on behalf of the WFO) forwarded two questions by email, one regarding quality of upper air observations over India and the other regarding confirmation of core/physics package consistency in NCEP models between cycles.EMC is well aware of the quality of Indian obs (the QC scheme automatically rejects obs it deems unusable) and indeed there are NO changes to model physics or dynamic core between cycles.

c.     HPC inquired of the Meso Branch if multiple ptypes are on the table for operational inclusion in post processed output.It was suggested for the HPC SOO to supply this requirement directly to the Meso Branch Chief.


4. The next meeting will be held April 18th, 2005 at noon in room 209 with remote conference capability.